What is the Role of SLPs with Persons with Dementia?
Persons with dementia (PWD) of all stages can benefit from the specialized skills and therapeutic interventions provided by speech-language pathologists. All forms of dementia affect communication, whether by directly reducing linguistic skills, or indirectly through impaired processes such as memory, attention, and reasoning. These difficulties are collectively termed ‘cognitive-communication disorders’.
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) can offer a range of clinical services to support PWD, their families, and their professional care providers (e.g., nurses, personal support workers, continuing care assistants). The goals of treatment with PWD are to maintain and maximize communication so the person can function optimally in their life.
Below is a sample overview of a process of consultation with an SLP.

Download Shoreline's information package "Communication Intervention for People with Dementia" here.
"The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists in Dementia Care"
Speech-Language & Audiology Canada
"Person-Centred Focuse on Function: Dementia"
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia
"Caring for Someone with Progressive Dementia"
Province of Nova Scotia
True North Clinical Research
provide free memory screening in Nova Scotia
Behaviour, Cognition, and Communication in Dementia
2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures
Alzheimer’s Association
includes the Special Report on the Personal Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Families
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Cognitive Changes
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Cognitive Issues in Parkinson’s Disease
American Parkinson Disease Association
Diffuse Lewy Body Disease
Parkinson Canada
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program
video series for family caregivers on responding to behavioural symptoms of dementia
Cognition and MS
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Alzheimer’s Society
discusses changes in language and strategies for optimizing communication
Changes in Communication
briefly describes changes in communication and strategies for care partners
"Shifting Focus – A Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviour"
Alzheimer Knowledge Exchange, Alzheimer Society Ontario, & Behavioural Supports Ontario
available in 8 languages
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Practice Portal – Dementia
Evidence Based Clinical Research – Progressive Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Spaced Retrieval Step by Step
Jeanette E. Benigas, Jennifer A. Brush, and Gail M. Elliot
published by Health Professions Press
Systematic Review and Practice Recommendations for Use of Spaced-Retrieval Training with Individuals with Dementia
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Clinical Intervention for Cognitive-Communication Disorders of Dementia
"Best Practice Guideline for Accommodating and Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Residential Care: A Person-Centered Interdisciplinary Approach"
Ministry of Health – British Columbia publications/year/2012/bpsd-guideline.pdf
National Institute for Health Care Excellence: Dementia
"Cognitive-Communication Disorders of Dementia: Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment (2nd ed.)"
K. A. Bayles & C. K. Tomoeda
published by Plural Publishing
"Dementia: Person-Centred Assessment and Intervention (2nd ed.)"
E. M. Hickey & M. S. Bourgeois
Published by Routledge
Hopper, T. L. (2003). “They’re just going to get worse anyway”: Perspectives on rehabilitation for nursing home residents with dementia. Journal of Communication Disorders, 36, 345-459. doi: 10.1016/S0021-99924(03)00050-9
Oren, S., Willerton, C., & Small, J. (2014). Effects of spaced retrieval training on semantic memory in Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 247-270. doi:10.1044/1092-4388
Chiu, H.-Y., Chen, P.-Y., Chen, Y.-T., & Huang, H.-C. (2018). Reality orientation therapy benefits cognition in older people with dementia: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 86, 20-28.
Eggenberger, E., Heimerl, K., & Bennett, M. I. (2013). Communication skills training in dementia care: A systematic review of effectiveness, training content, and didactic methods in different care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 345–358. doi:10.1017/S1041610212001664
Swan, K., Hopper, M., Wenke, R., Jackson, C., Till, T., & Conway, E. (2018). Speech-language pathologist interventions for communication in moderate–severe dementia: A systematic review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 836-852. doi:10.1044/2017_AJSLP-17-0043
Resources for Memory and Communication Aids
"Memory Books and Other Graphic Cueing Systems: Practical Communication and Memory Aids for Adults with Dementia"
Michelle S. Bourgeois
published by Health Professions Press
"Memory and Communication Aids for People with Dementia"
Michelle S. Bourgeois
published by Health Professions Press
Best Alzheimer’s Products
consumer source for memory aids with voice recording features (e.g., talking photo album, talking tiles)
"The Memory Handbook"
Alzheimer’s Society
information on memory, strategies, and aids for those with mild memory loss
"Funding, Coding, and Documentation for Speech Generating Devices"
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
on demand webinar for professionals
Bourgeois, M. S., Camp, C. J., Antenucci, V., & Fox, K. (2016). VoiceMyChoiceTM: Facilitating understanding of preferences of residents with dementia. Advances in Aging Research, 5, 131-141.
Activities and Engagement
"101 Activities"
Alzheimer’s Association
"Activities to do with Your Parent who has Alzheimer’s Dementia"
Judity A. Levy
Ms. Levy is an Occupational Therapist with personal and professional experience with persons with Alzheimer’s dementia
published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Alzheimer’s Store
products designed for persons with Alzheimer’s such as puzzles, therapy dolls, one button radio, simple music player, painting activities, games, and activity boards
Best Alzheimer’s Products
products for entertainment (e.g., simple music player, flipper remote control, one button radio, DVDs, Video Respite series, CDs), nurturing and comfort activities (e.g., dolls and stuffed animals), reading and photographic collections, colouring books, and other activities
"Can Do Activities for Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease: Strength-based Communication and Programming"
Eileen Eisner
published by Pro-Ed Inc.
"Creating Moments of Joy (5th ed.)"
Jolene Brackey
published by Purdue University Press
information, workshops, videos, publications, and other resources on Montessori methods for dementia
"Engaging and Communicating With People Who Have Dementia: Finding and Using Their Strengths"
Eileen Eisner
published by Health Professions Press
Busy: The Dementia Activities Specialist
games, books, and activities for persons with dementia and professionals delivering group programs
products designed by an occupational therapist for persons with dementia for leisure and stimulation including puzzles, games, colouring books, word games, books, and lacing cards
"Montessori-Based Activities for Persons with Dementia, Volumes 1 & 2"
Cameron J. Camp
published by Health Professions Press
My House of Memories app
National Museums Liverpool and Innovate Dementia
interactive collection of images, music, and information on objects from life in England from 1920-1980 to facilitate reminiscence and exploration of areas of interest
"Taking Part: Activities for People with Dementia"
Alzheimer’s Society
Mentia, Deva World (iPad app)
Adult Literacy Resources
New Readers Press
publisher of books for English learners, including a series of easy-to-read books for pleasure reading
News for You: available from New Readers Press
subscribers have access to easy-to-read news articles; text audio can be played in full or sentence-by-sentence
News in Levels
post news stories from around the world written in three levels with the option to listen to the audio recording of the text; simplified text and audio recording of Robinson Crusoe is also available
Shadowbox Press
publisher of a collection of books for persons with dementia
Two-Lap Book series
Health Professions Press
Emma Rose Sparrow, author
series of books designed for persons with Alzheimer’s disease available through Amazon CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Hearthside Book Club (book series)
Simple Pleasures for Special Seniors, Dan Koffman (book series)
Community Resources and Online Forums for Family and Care Providers
online community forums for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and caregivers
Community Resource Finder
Alzheimer’s Association
Dementia Action Alliance Resources
collection of print and online resources such as Facebook pages, blogs, videos, websites, and books
Dementia Forum
Resources for Creating Supportive Environments and Communities
Dementia Enabling Environments
information for families, professionals, and members of the community
Dementia Friendly America
tools and resources for supporting the development of dementia-friendly communities
Dementia-friendly Environments
Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia
information on enhancing the physical and social environment, wayfinding, stimulation, meaningful activities, spirituality, and related topics
Dementia Friends USA and Dementia Friends Canada
provide information on how persons with dementia can be supported in their community
Advance Directives
"Dementia and End-of-Life Care"
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Speak Up – Advance Care Planning
a source of information for consumers, families, and professionals; includes province-specific information for Canadians
"End-of-Life Decisions"
Alzheimer’s Association
information for consumers and families
End of Life Care
"Position Statement – The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists, Audiologists and Communication Health Assistants in End-of-Life Care, Speech-Language and Audiology Canada"
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
educational resources for professionals and consumer and family resources for end-of-life care
End of Life Resources and References
\American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Developing Dementia-Friendly Health Care Services
D:KIT, Dementia Action Alliance
a self-assessment toolkit to facilitate development of dementia friendly hospitals
Dementia Friendly Hospital Initiative
educational materials for hospital staff
What’s Design Got To Do With It?
Glen Hougan (professor at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design)
Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
an introduction to the concept of design thinking in health care services and environments
Written for Health Professionals
"Evidence Based Clinical Research: Progressive Neurogenic Communication Disorders"
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences